

To become, to be, and still, and still, to enter all. How to do that?
Spread oneself all over the place.
I'mma gonna be all over the place.
To BE AND. To be is...to be - is. And is to be? If is is to be, than to be typing this, too, is to be.
We should not be institutionalized. Not by any BEING, nor by any AND either.
If the human world works as the shithole we get presented all too often, then how to act?
We should act (cheers, Spinoza), since if we don't, our connections to the world will perish. And what else are we than that? No mere subjects, but dots in a unity. "Unity" can be a disgusting word. It is often used by asshole-traditions. We do not use it that way. Purify the word. Purify the world. Don't make it, let it be, by being. BE-ING. UNGH. PUSH. "Purify": another infested word. Everything gets institutionalized. I shall hereby mark every singular AND repeated word (as you see). Institutionalized: a whole armageddon of coffee-drinking idiots.
Anal rape.
You heard me. Disgusting marketing, capitalist chauvinist familiarizing discriminating shitcreating crap. We shall defamiliarize. Do you know me really? Can you speak for us? Is shock permanently needed to keep people alert? Are we longing for another Auschwitz?

All those blank faces. The institution squeezes the life out of itself. And what are all those faces doing? All those students keeping their secrets to theirselves. That they know shit. We know shit. We cannot even distinguish chocolate from bullcrap. It all tastes the same: blank faces, no matter what the teacher tries to trigger. Blank faces. So why care for governmental actions to kill culture? We can do it ourselves! We, the handicapped people, one nation under a bright sun. Let's all just put those friggin' sunglasses on our heads. Take shelter. Get on with it.

All over the place. Splattered brains. The horror that everyone embraces. Embrace THIS.

As Deleuze said: hate is closer to sympathy than false love and sweet words.

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