
fanfiction: blowing up the cover

The world, according to which I reportedly live, has maintained a status of mystery. Does it do this on purpose, out of neglect, due to a lack of interest, or perhaps simply because the world has a highly romantic nature? Contrary to popular belief in the survival of the fittest and the law of strongest/meanest/fastest/luckiest bastard, it may well be that our lack of success in grasping the world as a whole stems from the fact that the world thinks this would be utterly boring and un-adventurous.

Instead, we are allowed, if not forced, to wonder aloud. We are thus ruled by the laws of the world: to take delight in a mislead sense of anarchy-sublime. But this is no dictatorial state of being, since the world is only this little part of the universe. And scientists are exploring parts of this universe frantically, risking the destruction of our romantic world. But oh! this is a new and exciting adventure! Maybe, after all, the universe is even more romantic? Or is the world just this rebel? Are there more rebels in the universe? All these questions could be indirectly answered by science. In the end, it is up to the world to make it into an exciting narrative. And we, children of the world, have proven to be quite excelling at sensational stories. Let's hear and tell.

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